Thursday, February 18, 2010


We were itching to get out and shoot and our friend Jewel needed some more photos for her modeling portfolio so we met in LaCrosse one cold winter afternoon. We had a great lead on a new place to shoot and it worked out great! Here are some of the images.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Winter fun

Winter in wisconsin is long and cold, so we have to bundle up and brave to cold to keep our sanity. Here are some random photos we have taken so far this winter.

Ski race at Mt LaCrosse

Sled dog racing at the Kickapoo Reserve

Winter scenery in Wisconsin

Ice racing at Lake Neshonic


We also have a music blog, if you haven't seen it, take a look!

the last post on there is from a shoot I did of our friends Monkey Wrench.

Anna and Jeremy

Here are a few photos of an Engagement session we did with Anna and Jeremy in LaCrosse.
We have been so busy lately that we haven't updated the blog since November!

My favorite from the shoot!

We had such a great time with Anna and Jeremy, such a fun couple!